How to get to Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building (AC2)
Address |
Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building (LI), |
地點 |
香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓三樓 |
Zone |
G |
Address: Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building (LI), 3/F
City University of Hong Kong
地點: 香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓三樓
Zone: G

經行人隧道前往 AC2, 李達三葉耀珍學術樓
Arrive Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building (AC2) at Pedestrian Subway
到達港鐵九龍塘站後,請往又一城商場出口走。於又一城商場內 LG1 有行人隧道連接城大校園。
Getting off the MTR Kowloon Tong Station, look for Festival Walk exit. In Festival Walk, on Level LG1, there is a Pedestrian Subway which will lead you to CityU campus.

請展示 CityU QR code 讓職員掃碼,再讓你進入校園
Please prepare the CityU QR code for scanning at entrance gate.

Go through the entrance gate and red gate.

After getting on the elevator, keep walking forward.

After exiting the red door, go to the left road

左右兩邊的電梯均可到達 AC2, 3 樓。
The elevators on the left and right can reach the 3rd floor of AC2.

到達 AC2, 3 樓 (大會登記處 Check-in)
Arrive at the 3rd floor of AC2 (Registration Counter for check-in)